We strive for an inclusive community where LGBT people (or anyone really) can feel at home. This guild consists of two raidteams. Leadership has experience with raiding at a front-page world ranking and is happy to coach players that want to learn.
Loot policy: Since the point of the guild isn't to get a high world ranking, it doesn't make sense to use loot council with all the drama and management that comes with it. MS>OS with some minor interference where appropriate is what we settled on.
PVE Team raids on Sundays at 19:30 and Academy raids on Thursdays at 20:00
Feel free to /w Bamber in-game for a chat about joining, or message "bambiqt" on discord.
i have a boyfriend 正在招募中!
團隊副本, 地城, PvP
What activities is i have a boyfriend recruiting for?
What is the primary language used in i have a boyfriend?