is recruiting consistent and mature players looking to push speed clearing and parses through all SoD content.
Long time classic semi-hardcore raid leadership clearing all pre-nerf content from Classic through TBC.
Currently running 2+ weekly 20 mans, including but not requiring splits and Alt Runs. All Classes/Specs are welcome to apply. Loot is currently x3 SR, Legos/Raid Mats LC.
Raid Schedule:
Tues, 5:00 PM ST - Red Raid
Thursday, 6:00 PM ST - Rainbow Raid
Solaire - General Recruitment, Nubmon/Lilfiend - Rainbow RL, Chaddley - Red RL
MEGA 正在招募中!
團隊副本, 地城, 社交, PvP
What activities is MEGA recruiting for?
What is the primary language used in MEGA?