Crusader Strike- [A] | Semi-HC Guild
Originated in Classic, Bamboozled is a competitive raiding guild with a strong emphasis on maintaining a healthy guild culture through optimal performance. Constructed of mostly veteran WoW players, we believe in enjoying / approaching the game through a deep focus on individual accountability and min-max gameplay. Offering a home to all players who seek a competitive edge to their gameplay (both in PvP and PvE), our culture caters to those who are ambitious and value emphasis on connectivity, inclusion, and pushing boundaries.
- Tuesdays from 7 - 10 ST.
- Thursdays 7 - 10 ST during Progression and if necessary for cleanup from Tuesday.
- Punctuality is required as each raider is asked to be online 15 minutes before raid start time
- 90% attendance required to maintain a core raid spot
- Occasional optional PTR practice when available
- Every raider is required to have engineering as one of their professions (regardless of class / spec) with your 2nd profession rounding out whatever is BiS PvE for your class
- MS > OS, with key items being Loot Council'd.
- Loot councilled item distribution heavily weighted towards individual performance & overall raid benefit; other important factors considered: attendance, raid preparedness, commitment
- Team-first attitude is expected from every single player in both during raid and other organized guild activities
- Raiders are expected to be masterfully familiar with raid mechanics (bosses and trash) with the added intellectual curiosity on how to improve individual performances (performance will be reviewed in logs and will weigh into roster / loot decisions)
- Obtaining the necessary resources for optimal performance during raid (gear, professions, consumables, etc.) and knowledge of BiS of aforementioned is required